Our Community Supports Greg Boller:

Tracy Jensen, Alameda Councilmember

Malia Vella, Alameda Councilmember

Supervisor Lena Tam

Assemblymember Mia Bonta

Alameda Police Officer Association

Alameda Firefighters Association

Greg Boller with Maya and Izzy.

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Alameda Council candidate Greg Boller

Greg Boller is the only candidate who has made public safety their career having been a Deputy District Attorney for over 20 years.

Greg at an Operation Cross Country press conference with the FBI on human trafficking.

Meet Greg Boller

5th-Generation Alamedan and Alameda County Prosecutor

Greg Boller is a 5th-generation Alamedan who grew up in a working-class family of laborers and teachers. He attended local schools and has a history of being active in the community, including serving on Alameda Meals on Wheels and Alameda Boys and Girls Club boards.  Boller is currently a Public Health Commissioner for Alameda County.

An Alameda County prosecutor, Boller has specialized in consumer protection, juvenile justice, and human trafficking.  He’s prosecuted domestic violence and sexual assault cases.

Greg went to Edison Elementary School, Lincoln Middle School, and Alameda High School. He graduated from UC Davis, received his juris doctorate from Georgetown Law, and has an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He has been a prosecutor for 23 years.

Boller is running on a platform that focuses on public safety, housing and city design, economic and workforce development, public health, and city services.

Boller’s public service includes two terms on the county’s Public Health Commission after being nominated by Supervisors Wilma Chan and Lena Tam. He was also appointed by the Alameda City Council to the Alameda Home Ownership Committee, where he promoted affordable housing opportunities.

Key Issues Facing Alameda.

  • As a City Council candidate with 23 years of experience as a prosecutor, Greg Boller is committed to strengthening public safety. His focus includes:

    - Recruitment & Retention: Attract and keep top talent in our police and fire departments.

    - Crime Prevention: Implement advanced neighborhood watch programs, expand patrols, and use technology to combat theft and car burglaries.

    - Infrastructure: Upgrade fire and police facilities on the West End.

    - Training: Seek funding for a regional first-responder training center to enhance local and regional training.

    - Emergency Services: Improve paramedic and ambulance services.

    - Community Programs: Support and expand CARE and CERT resources.

  • His experience on the City of Alameda Home Ownership Committee has shaped Greg’s commitment to thoughtful housing and city planning. Key priorities include:

    - Walkable Neighborhoods: Design mixed-use areas combining residential, business, and recreational spaces.

    - Rent Control: Preserve rent control to support renters, including seniors and working families.

    - Affordable Home Ownership: Build on the city’s Housing Element to make home ownership more accessible.

    -Incentive Programs: Create incentives for teachers and city employees to rent or buy homes in Alameda.

  • With experience in both the private and public sectors, Greg is committed to boosting Alameda’s economy and job market. His priorities include:

    - New Business Attraction: Bring in retail and small businesses that meet residents’ needs in key areas like Harbor Bay Landing, South Shore Center, Park and Webster Streets, Alameda Point, and Alameda Landing.

    - Corporate Tenants: Attract corporate tenants to our business parks.

    -Small Business Support: Offer incentives for small businesses and landlords to upgrade and revitalize their commercial spaces.

  • As a two-term Alameda County Public Health Commissioner, Greg is committed to expanding healthcare resources in Alameda. Key initiatives include:

    - Healthcare Expansion: Support Alameda Hospital, local paramedics, and medical offices to ensure comprehensive care for all residents.

    - Collaboration: Foster synergy between city departments, medical services, and nonprofits through strategic alliances.

    - City-County Liaison: Establish a liaison between city government and Alameda County Health.

    - Student Health: Partner with the Alameda Unified School District to enhance health and nutrition programs for students.

  • We can enhance Alameda’s vibrant community by maintaining parks, expanding open spaces, and ensuring safe neighborhoods. I support preserving our natural environment, creating walkable and bikeable spaces, and preparing for climate change impacts. We should partner with private developers to build state-of-the-art recreation centers, promoting healthy living and community engagement. Alamedans deserve top facilities and beautiful open spaces that reflect our commitment to a strong, connected community.

  • As an Alameda County Public Health Commissioner, I’m dedicated to ensuring equitable access to city services for all.

  • - Traffic & Infrastructure: Plan improvements to ease traffic and enhance infrastructure.

  • - School Facilities: Create a strong partnership with the AUSD to ensure new school facilities at Alameda Point are state-of-the-art.

    - Community Center: Propose building a community center at Alameda Point with a library, meeting spaces, and more.

News from the Campaign

Key Election Dates

Last Day to Register to Vote: 10/21/2024

Register to vote prior to 10/21/2024 if you have moved since the last election or recently turned 18 or want to change your political party.

Voter Centers Open: 10/26/2024

Every voter will be mailed a ballot. You can visit one of 11 vote centers before Election Day to drop off your ballot.

Election Day: 11/5/2024

All Vote Centers are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Election Day for your convenience; as well as, the Registrar of Voters at 1225 Fallon Street G-1, Oakland